Freelance Artist and Streamer from the US.

Persona Character Design by: ZumiZumi1254

background art by: Sateko

© Kitoodles. All rights reserved.


__I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE A COMMISSION FOR WHATEVER REASON__Commissions are for non-commercial/personal use only!If you wish to use the art commercially you must discuss it with me.You may not create merchandise or sell any of my work.You may not claim any work I create as your own.
Credit must be given if you decide to use a commission.
For example as an icon, header, thumbnail, etc.
I retain the right to share or sell any fanart I create.
Please let me know if you do not want your commission shared on social media.
Lead times will be from 1-3 months depending on my workload.
Please be patient as I have a full time job as well.
No Refunds of Cancellations once payment is receivedI will make corrections during sketching phase, and minor edits on completed work. Exceptions are if I cannot complete the commission

You can reach me with options below:DM me on twitter
Email: [email protected]
Please state reason for DM
Will not respond if you just message me "hi"

Chibi Commissions

Will do:
FFXIV (Design will be simplified)
Won't do:

Emote Commissions

Will do:
FFXIV (Design will be simplified)
Won't do:

Bust Commissions

Will do:
Won't do:
FFXIV (Sorry too many details)

✦__ Price is based on the following__✦
⋄ Personal work: Design will be used solely for your enjoyment
No monetary usage
⋄ Commercial work: Usage in vtuber activities, streaming, videos, emotes, merchandise, etc. Anything monetary is subjected for a minimum of 50% increase in price.⋄ Complexity of design

All character and outfits below were designed 100% by me

Vtuber Model

Won't do:
✦ Design not provided

Full body

bust up

© Kitoodles. All rights reserved.

My original characters

These are my original characters. I'll add quotes and interactions for my friends OCs if allowed, just let me know if it's okay.
Fanart is okay, please show me if you do any fanart! There are some rules:
Do NOT draw, write, or talk about them in a NSFW manner.
Do not ship them with any characters.
Do not claim them as your own.
Thank you for looking at my babs! ♥


Art by: Mizumi

Age: 20
Gender: Undisclosed (He/She/They)
Height: 5'7" / 170cm
Animal: Tundra Wolf
Hobbies: Gardening, sleeping in, playing pranks
Likes: Spicy food, fashion, peace and quiet, joking around, teasing friends, Kou
Dislikes: Loud noises (thunder), insincere people, suck ups.
They're a very shy person, especially in situations involing meeting new people, they prefer to observe over talking, listening over speaking. Making them being pretty quiet and soft spoken when meeting new people. Parents left on a trip, eventually Kae quietly came to the revelation themselves that they were unwanted and abandoned. Surprisingly level headed about it, coping that if their parents would be happier without them then its fine.Communication is not their strong point so their intentions are often misunderstood. They will avoid talking to people due to this as well as constantly feeling like a burden they don't want to bother anyone. Kae is mischievous, often playing pranks on friends for their own enjoyment. However does not like being teased themselves. Likes recieving attention from individuals but also doesn't like being the center of attention in groups (because its embarrassing) Does not like being treated like a child.


(Kou for short)

Art by: Meto

Age: late 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3" / 192cm
Animal: White Bengal Tiger
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, learning (practicing medicine)
Likes: Wandering, tea, knives, weapons, sweets, soft things, Kae
Dislikes: Small spaces, Pushy people, Loud people, Heat, Bugs
A quiet reserved guy, often spacing out which gets him trouble frequently. He doesn't like being told what to do and hates it when people talk too much, he handles 'annoying' situations by keeping a level head and calmly choosing to get physical.
There is no indication that he is annoyed, you will just get hit a second later. He has a phobia of bugs, especially the flying ones, one of the few times he loses his calm uncaring demeaner.
He has no real deep connection to anyone outside of Kae and is generally closed off from getting friendly with people as he has deep rooted trust issues.
He has little to no value or care for people's problems and lives, being exposed to violence at a young age he grew become apathetic towards living. It twisted his way of thinking.
He makes jokes here and there, except they're all dark morbid jokes, people think he's serious because of his usual serious and 'adult' air,Slightly farsighted He'll be seen wearing glasses when reading.


(Kan or Kana for short)

Art by: Mizumi

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11" / 182cm
Animal: Ram
Hobbies: Singing, Gardening, Knitting, Music, Painting, Fishing (He doesn't eat them though)
Likes: Learning things, Spring, Plants, Animals, Music, Kou.
Dislikes: Spicy food, peppermint, stubborn people, headpats, slimy things, conflict.
He is a very gentle, down to earth person. It doesn't take him long to open up and be outgoing due to his curious nature. Particularly due to his upbringing. He comes from a wealthy family, however they don't really pay much attention to him. Emotionally neglected and sheltered, he has few friends, once you get him talking he doesn't stop. He is embarrassed and roused easily, zero poker face. You can see right through him because everything he has to offer is genuine, he is baby. Making him an easy target for Kae's teasing and pranks, this is the only time he really seems to be angry. They became good friends over the topic of gardening and plants. (He initially feared for his life due to Kae being a wolf) Has a small crush on Kou, to Kae's annoyance.


(Kyu for short)

Art by: Mamimu

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6" / 167cm
Animal: Lop Bunny
Hobbies: People watching, Archery
Likes: Manipulating people, Winning, Being in control, Being Praised
Dislikes: Self-righteous people, Mushrooms, Losing control
An intelligent boy of average height. Lives a solitary life, he wanders aimlessly just living. Leading him to become a very isolated and selfish person.No one is more important than me type attitude.He has a lot of street smarts, which is necessary when you don't have a place of your own or anyone to help you. After living that life for so long, he eventually found enjoyment in outsmarting others and winning whether or not its morally correct or if he needs to do so. Simply for enjoyment at times. He has a very calm and laid back personality. He tells lies as easily as he breathes, it's hard to tell what he is thinking as he usually always has the same cheerful and content look on his face.


(Kai for short)

Art by: Mamimu

Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4" / 193cm
Animal: Dragon (tbd)
Hobbies: Idling about, Chatting
Likes: Sweets, Jewerly, Cute Things
Dislikes: Nothing in particular
Kai is a wandering merchant, a laid-back man who travels often. He familiarized himself with both the professional and underground trading business. Although he never seems serious, he has extraordinary talents and is well versed on many things. From fashion to daily essentials, teas, spices,flora, fauna, wines, etc., due to his profession in trading.Albiet recently he finds more enjoyment in being a relaxed 'middle-aged' man (although constantly claiming he's young). He enjoys chatting with locals and helping out with odd tasks, from finding cats to pulling weeds.

© Kitoodles. All rights reserved.